Sunday, 1 May 2016

Joining Kingspan Wall & Floor Sandwich Insulation Panels Together with minimal Thermal Bridge

Joining Kingspan Wall & Floor Sandwich Insulation Panels Together with Minimal Thermal Bridge

1. Aim  - Join a wall & floor panel of kingspan sandwich insulation panel  together using a c shaped  tracking drywall lining  that has one edge cut into the foam to reduce a thermal bridge. The other edge is screwed into the interior side of the panel.

Please note, the seam will have to be coated with expanding foam or silicone sealant on both sides of drywall lining

2. 80mm wide panels with short overlap

3. Pic from other side
4. Method A -Start at edge
5, Method B -Pull metal away from foam by hand & turnover edge

  6. Method c.  - (pic below)  screw down edge, using self tapping plaster board screws to flatten it & form a stronger edge to support weight of wall. 

Corner may need to be cut away where 2 folded edges meet/

7. Method D. 

Screw C Shaped Drywall lining tracking on top of folded edge . Size of drywall will vary, depending on thickness of kingspan panel 

8. Method e.

 Drop Foam edge of wall onto sharp tracking edge. Ths will cut into foam with weight of wall. To aid the cut, sliding the wall a little along the cut either way can aid its' passage.

Panels with short overlap at bottom, will need another beam to be screwed into (see pic below)

9. Same method, but with thinner 45mm wall that has longer overlap on bottom, so dies not need a beam as outer edge metal can be screwd into end of floor beams underneath

10. If still using the 72mm wide drywall with 45mm thinner wall a beam on inside will be needed to fill gap

11. this can be covered with another edge strip

It may be better use a thicker gauage steel & longer side wall track. This is called "deep track " @50mm (normal is 25mm) Extra deep track is 75mm. Be aware the may require a special order at your supplier as they are more specialised & not normally kept in stock

See 2 pics below

1 comment:

We've had a flood of water that has leaked and damaged some of the hardware, electronic collectables and clothes we sell to raise funds for our project

   We will let them dry out and then inspect them to see what can be salvaged