Wednesday 17 December 2014

Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Bill debated at 2.30pm Room 9 Westminster 

Bill - http://www.publicati...150016_en_1.htm


Place a duty on local authorities to keep a register of individuals and
community groups who have expressed an interest in acquiring land to bring
forward self-build and custom-build projects and to take account of and make
provision for the interests of those on such registers in developing their
housing initiatives and their local plans;

to allow volume house builders to
include self-build and custom-build projects as contributing towards their
affordable housing obligations, when in partnership for this purpose with a
Registered Social Landlord; and for connected purposes.

1Registers of persons seeking to acquire land to build a home
(1)Each relevant authority must keep a register of
(a)individuals, and
(associations of individuals (including bodies corporate that exercise functions
5on behalf of associations of individuals),
who are seeking to acquire serviced plots of land in the authority’s area in order to build
houses for those individuals to occupy as homes.
(2)Each relevant authority must publicise its register under this section.
(3)Relevant authorities are—
(a)10district councils;
(county councils in England so far as they are councils for an area for
which there are no district councils;
©London borough councils;......... more
I've just been reading the famous book Tiny Book of Tiny Houses by Lester Walker, I cannot recommend it enough. The illustrations, particularly are beautiful.

I also have Lester Walkers "American Shelter" which is very good value . It's a wonderful historical reference of evolutionary architecture.  Look Inside book here

over 3 tonnes of new wood delivered 240 miles to Aldingbourne Trust Charity in Sussex from LOCATE and DONATE as part of our local Material Exchange run by Cabinz cic

 Several van loads of treated wood from a fencing co in the Wirral were delivered over summer 2024 at our own expense to  aldingbourne trus...