Thursday, 9 March 2017

Insulated, Rot & Insect Resistant Base on Castor Wheels for Shed / GreenHouse or Wedge Block Type Shelter

 Prototype for an Insulated, Rot Resistant Base on Castor Wheels for a Shed / GreenHouse or 

Made of grp fibreglass skinned composite door off cuts to take 600 kg weight evenly spread (inc base weight) 

 Side is left incomplete to show castor wheels with 4 bolts

 Underside view. Fixed with 100mm screws  (bolts may be preferable in windy / exposed areas) 
Underside view close up of wheel. If shelter is taking extra weight a 3rd pair of wheels could be added to the middle beam

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We've had a flood of water that has leaked and damaged some of the hardware, electronic collectables and clothes we sell to raise funds for our project

   We will let them dry out and then inspect them to see what can be salvaged