Thursday 8 September 2016

Prototype Wedge Block Shelter with Grp Window Cladding & Composite Door Edge Off-Cut Frame / Corner Brace

Following on from previous prototypes here, & here,  this shelter is a lightweight, quickly constructed progression.

It is constructed by one man alone (to save labour costs)  it's currently unfinished, a work in progress

The cabinz project has support of a supplier of opaque grp profiled roof sheets at very low cost (less than £3 a mtr). These are very strong & light, & are old stock / slight seconds.

We are selling these sheets for £4 a metre (no Vat ) in the Uk, to rasie funds for the Cabinz project shelter research. The project is currently funded only by voluntary labour & small donations

We recently sold at cost & donated 140 of these grp sheets to a third party aiming to build low cost shelters in Sierra Leone, Africa. This prototype is made partly to explore options for how such shelters would be made .

The frame & corner braces off-cuts are donated free by a Uk composite door manufacturer  

Note. This prototype has been screwed together, so it can be easily remodelled.  The finished design will most likely be bolted & glued at main joints for extra strength.

The intention is to long term strength test this shelter. The roof frame alone, has been tested to 100kg load.

Side view (corner to be trimmed)

 End view with roof side & door to be installed

Low side view. Gutter & water capture barrel are yet to be installed 


 Corner bracing with pvc  door frame off cuts screwed on

Floor bracing as above

 Roof frame before installation.
  Note: an extra beam on each side was added later for strength (not in pic) . The cross beam on top was removed before fitting. Another will be added underneath , so roof sheets have a flatter surface to be screwed to.

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over 3 tonnes of new wood delivered 240 miles to Aldingbourne Trust Charity in Sussex from LOCATE and DONATE as part of our local Material Exchange run by Cabinz cic

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