Monday, 22 October 2018

Idea for melting plastic into a drywall channel to form a composite metal clad beam

 Leading on from Cabinz experiments using CLAD COMPOSITE BEAM FROM WASTE  with composite door off cuts, which we called MetalClad or CladBeam to build green house frames & insulated panels

It occured to us that the galvanised metal drywall channel could be heated to melt recycled plastic chips placed inside a channel to form a plastic core beam.

These beams could then be screwed  / nail gunned or glued to drywall channel

The combination of metal skinned plastic produces a much stronger beam, as the core is strong in compression & the metal is strong in tension.

This is currently just a thought experiment and has yet to be tried , pending further research

If you have the funds to buy or make a low cost recycled plastic extrusion machine. An intro vid is here and at who have some excellent ideas

This perhaps could be done in low tech conditons to form frames for disaster shelters or perhaps replace rebar frames ( as it may use less metal & be galvanised in an UBUNTU BLOX HOUSE

No experiments have been made tried yet, but initial thoughts are.

1. Use 50mm x 50mm wall channel drywall.
A. cut 50mm into ends & bend them up to stop molten plastic leaking out.
B, Fix a strip of aluminium tape (heat resistant ) on the inside of seam to seal it from molten plastic.
C. Place plastic chips into channel & heat with a flame underneath to melt them . (Details of temp. / length of heating time yet to be determined)    

D. Perhaps the suns rays could be  used to heat the plastic / metal channel via a concave mirror with a metal foil surface . Cabinz explored a similar idea here with the

Idea for Turning Infinity Bakery Solar Oven Prototype into Solar Reflective Heated Folding Shelter


Note: our drywall supplier has several Uk Branches

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