Saturday, 22 January 2022

Reuse campaigns and ideas in various stages of development by Paul Ridley & other associates / volunteers from Cabinz group or the Shelter & Hardware Bank Network (SAHBN)

 This is a page for mainly reuse campaigns and ideas in various stages of development by Paul Ridley & other associates and /or volunteers from Cabinz group or the Shelter & Hardware Bank Network (SAHBN) in the Uk

Dig It All  2020

Proposed to the IFAN Food Bank Network & Other related charities to donate 2 tonnes of screws & fixings to food support users of food banks in growing their own fruit & veg in DIY built green houses / cloches and food storage sheds Hd 

Regen P3R2-Jan-2022- current

- Economic & Environmemtal Regeneration throught Preparation. Reuse, Repair & Remanufacture 

This is a material reuse based campaign involving 

1. Preparation

Climate change with stronger winds / floods  requires shelters / fencing etc to be strengthened to resist these forces. Preparation also means maintenace

2. Reuse

Gov orgs & businesses need to develop a  reuse strategy

3. Repair

Inflation and shortages make repair increasingly important

4. Remanufacture

This needs to be expanded to support start up businesses for economic & environmental benefit

Hexayurt / Wedgeblock & Related Structures using Composite panels - 2020 - current

 Various work over last 2 yrs

Current thoughts are on reusing perspex screens from covid screens to divert from the waste stream for energy saving room dividers, greenhouses, cloches, animal shelters & shed windows.

 Hexayurt structres made of pallet wood frames with perspex plastic screwed to them will be a protype soon   

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We've had a flood of water that has leaked and damaged some of the hardware, electronic collectables and clothes we sell to raise funds for our project

   We will let them dry out and then inspect them to see what can be salvaged