Experiments with cans & bottle litter used as containers for soil or water in a drywall metal clad shelter vertical frame
These vertical beams are designed to be extemely low cost & fire resistant. Theu are probably not strong enought for horizontal beams
Type A.
Whole empty used drinks cans:
1. filled with compressed soil or sand,
2. then at seams, overlapped with a cut side wall of a can, that is filled with compacted soil or sand as well.
Alternatively, concrete or cement could be used as a filler at higher cost, but higher strength
Finally this taped together in an overlapping spiral with waterproof 50mm parcel tape .
It is placed inside 72mm drywall galv metal channel
Note: for extra strength, the top & bottom of can can be cut out if using cement or concrete, forming a continual concrete fused length of bean.
Furthermore a length of rebar ( 8-12mm )can be inserted through the middle
Side view of long sided drywall channel (50mm long side)
A 72mm wide channel of dry wall (25mm normal size wall ) is then screwed or bolted to the other side
Type B.
1. Common plastic bottles can be filled with water & then lid glued tight sealed with PU lumberjack type glue
2. Insert them into drywall channel of appropiate size.
3. Concrete or cement is inserted into gaps beween each bottle for strength.
4. if it is thought that water could leask out (yet to experiment, Bottle could be filled with compressed soil or sand & topped up with water

Type c
Bricks, inserted into galv drywall , then concrete or mortor filling gaps
Type D
Door off cuts screwed & glued together, then inserted into drywall
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