Saturday, 28 November 2015

Further to the last post on our work with composite door off-cuts. Over the last year, we have experimented with various panel design prototypes in different thickneses & configurations.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Cabinz have been working with a large composite door manufacturer for over a year. 

We have re-used approx, 25-30 tonnes of materials that would have become waste without this service & been land filled, as it could not be recycled, being mixed materials of upvc & grp fibreglass. ( See pic 1) These have been used by folks for uses such as insulation & husky dog kennels.

 We believe we may have invented a new load bearing product, we are calling " METALCLAD"

Door side off cut strips are made of a composite of a solid upvc core with a grp fibreglass skin on 2 or 3 sides. 

In our research,  we have discovered that they fit comfortably within dry wall metal c stud / i-stud & tracking of 48 / 50mm, 92/94mm &  146 / 148mm. We have experimented with various configurations. This may possibly count as a new invention.

There are a few millimetres spare to allow for gluing or siliconing of materials. With a few screws, this forms a very strong beam upright, as the c stud is in tension & the upvc / grp, is in compression, exploiting the benefits of both materials.

They are 44-45mm thick,  2015mm long & from 5mm to 40mm thick. They are strong , yet flexible and are an off cut from a door that meets half hour fire regs, so reasonably fire resistant. The grp can be easily nail gunned together or c stud & core can be screwed.

By overlapping & gluing / nailing  / screwing the 2m lengths they can be extended to greater lengths as required. 

We also recently completed tests where they were left out in all weathers & sunlight for over a yr, they did not appear to degrade, de-laminate or be attacked by rodents / insects. We are building another garage sized structure next week for further testing. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you wish to buy strips to make metalclad (metal c stud & tracking can be bought locally from building suppliers)

Paul Ridley, co-ordinator Cabinz project 

Tel 0743 2315470 


Request for Comments on Research Regarding Construction Methods and Materials in U.S. Homes. Q. Why are 90% of USA homes still stick built when much stronger / more insulative composite SIPS panels have existed for decades?

 Open Email sent a month ago to various USA orgs who work for stronger  / better buildings such as : BuildStrong Coalition, National Institu...