Thursday, 4 May 2017

Dunkirk Migrant Camp was offered Fire Resistant Building Materials, free, a year before it burnt down PRESS RELEASE FROM Paul Ridley, Founder Cabinz Project DATE 5/5/17

PRESS RELEASE FROM Paul Ridley, Founder Cabinz Project DATE 5/5/17

Dunkirk Migrant Camp was offered Fire Resistant Building Materials, free, a year before it burnt down

On 10 April this year, a fire at the Migrant Camp in Dunkirk spread sufficently to destroy over half the buildings, many people lost all their very precious, remaining belongings and 10 people were injured.

The plywood chalets for migrants at the Dunkirk Migrant Camp were built by the charities Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and 'A Home for Winter'.

In February 2016, Paul Ridley of the Cabinz Project, a small community group in Chester UK, wrote warning both charities that the chalets were neither adequately insulated nor fire resistant and indicated methods to improve both and offered to pay for the necessary panels.

 The method suggested was to clad the inside with plastic-coated metal sheeting and the outside with rigid foam insulation under steel outer sheeting. Paul offered sufficient panels and fixings to fill a 40 ft shipping container, free, and Vinay Gupta, the well-known expert on Hexayurt disaster shelters, offered design support to rectify the problems. 

MSF replied saying they were not interested as they had their own 'logistic center', and the other charity, which initially showed showed interest, did not reply within the time scale indicated.

It is most unfortunate that the fire resistant cladding offered was not accepted in time. If it was, Paul believes the spreading of the fire may have been avoided. 

It appears the Swiss had concerns over fire resistance in migrant shelters as early as 2015, and these issues continue regarding the design of 10,000 IKEA 'Better Shelters' being produced for migrants.

The Cabinz Project is a small social venture in Chester Uk, run by volunteers. It designs and re-uses industrial clearance stock and offcuts to help make insulated small shelters such as sheds, greenhouses & chicken coops

For further info email or call 0743 2315470 


Swiss concerns:

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